Jumat, 03 Juli 2015


Nama Kelompok :
1.      Didit Purnomo (22212081)
2.      Emilia Fery. S (22212485)
Kelas : 3EB19
Tugas Softkil Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Lokawisata Baturaden (or Baturaden only) located south of Mount Slamet has cool air and tends to grow cold at night. Besides having beautiful natural scenery, Baturaden also has many folk legends, one of which is the famous story Kasarung.
Baturraden located in the northern town of Navan right on the south slope of Mount Slamet. Baturraden because it is located on the slopes make this region has a cool air and tend to be very cold, especially at night. Baturraden also a tourist area visited by many local tourists, especially on Sundays and national holidays. The condition causes a lot of hotels and villas built here.
Baturraden can be reached by private vehicle or public. Distance from the town of Purwokerto about 15 km and can be reached within 15 minutes with the traffic is not too dense. If you want to use public transport tourists can ride public transportation from the terminal in Purwokerto and get off at the terminal lokawisata Baturraden. If you want more practical travelers can use a taxi. If you decide to use a private vehicle, you should be careful because the road is uphill with a slope of about 30 degrees. If taken from Jakarta by private vehicle or public can be taken 9 hours if the normal journey.
Baturraden is the beauty that radiates from the slopes of Mount Slamet. A tourist location which is only about 15 km from the town of Purwokerto, Central Java, not only save of the beautiful natural scenery, but also folklore about Raden Kamandaka, or Kasarung are quite familiar to the people of Indonesia.
In addition to easy access, this tourist area also provides a variety of hotels and lodgings adequate. In addition, for lovers of the outdoors camping ground is comfortable and safe. And without worrying about the difficulty of obtaining food, because in this area quite a lot of traders who sell rabbit satay. 
          Slamet mountain with gentle slopes, offers beautiful natural scenery, fresh air and altitude of 1000 m. Admission Tourism Baturaden Purwokerto, Central Java. Located at the foot of Mount Slamet precisely in Kumutuk Lor village, District Baturaden Banyumas. It lies at an altitude makes this attraction air cool and coupled natural scenery presented makes us fascinated. There since 1928 Baturaden a prime tourist destination of Central Java in particular Purwokwerto.

           For those of you who will visit tourist attractions Baturaden the following list of the main gate admission and rides in the tourist area Baturaden:

• Lokawisata: 8,000 rupiah
• Wanawisata: 10,000 rupiah
• Shower telu: 7,500 rupiah
• Shower Pitu: 7,500 rupiah
• Swimming pool Langenkusumo: 5,000 rupiah
• Swimming glide: 3,000 rupiah
• Take a hot bath: 5,000 rupiah
• Bicycle Water: 3,000 rupiah
• Car genjot: 3,000 rupiah
• Ferris swivel: 5,000 rupiah
In addition to natural attractions of Mount Slamet, Lokawisata Baturaden also provide special food getuk Fried, Tempe Mendoan and Sroto Sokaraja and wide - range place by the - by.